What's a good AMP to drive my 803 N?

I'm new at this. Just brought the 803 N and HTM1 center.
Need recommend to use for the AMP.

My vote is the Mcintosh MC352. More than enough power to make the N803 sings. You can find one around 2500-3000 on Audiogon. What other equiqments do you have?
Along with the Mac, recommended above, I found Rowland to be a very nice match. I believe B&W purchased Classe, so that would be another avenue to pursue. Just be sure it is a quality amp with at least 150 watts or you will not get great results with them. Do a search, this exact question on the N803's has been asked several times.

I don't have anything yet. : )
Just have an Yamaha V3300 receiver.

Any recommendation for cables?
Simaudio is worthy of your consideration. Very nice in combination with B&W. I'm a fan of Kimber Kables with my B&W speakers - very satisfied.