Musical A3.2 pre&amp or A308 integrated?

Hi everyone,

I want to upgrade my M.F A3.2 integrated to M.F A3.2 pre& or A308 integrated. Could anybody give me some advice? Thanks.
Bring a few intergrated amps home and see what you like. THen you can be sure you have heard differenct amps and make your own decision.
I own the A308 integrated and I'm thrilled with it. I throw some of the hardest music at it there is--Mahler and Strauss, for instance, with their gargantuan orchestras. It's extremely clean and clear in the high end, very important if you listen to music with a lot of strings, it yields a huge soundstage, tactile bass, and great imaging. If I had a choice between separates, I would go with the integrated. Why introduce more interconnects and more plugs to plug in, esp. if you need higher end accessories to keep everything buzz-free. (I wrote previously about a noisy phono stage, changing plugs calmed it down.)
I might as well add that going from a Rega Planet 2000 to the A308 CD player added a marked increase in soundstage and transparency.
308 has more bass and said to be more tube-like. 3.2 is probably more accurate to the source.
It comes down to preference.