Battle of the BAT's, VK-60 vs. VK-220

My dealer has recomended BAT for my next amp. I am trying to figure out which is my best BAT, uhm bet (pun intended) He has helped me narrow it down to these two amps, a VK-60 or VK-200. I only want to purchase from him based on my past expereinces so these are the only two I will consider. Who has put the VK-60 head to head with the VK-200? I have a new pair of Von Schweikert VR4 jr's, Audible Illusions L1, Parasound transport with a Benchmark DAC & listen to rock & roll exclusively. I am replacing my McCormack DNA-1 with either amp. I tend to listen to my music at higher levels, about 90-100 db on average.

A nice tube amp intrigues me & later down the road I can purchase another one for a set of mono's. My worry is that the VK-60 will not have enough power & authority to drive the VR jr's to their potential.

I enjoy the bass slam a powerful solid state amp will give me. I have never heard a really good tube amp or any BAT product so I am a little aprehensive. He will allow me to return either so it won't be such a big risk, I'd only be out shipping. The solid state is apealing b/c of the extra power.

Tubes are romantic but will they cut the mustard with the kind of music I generally listen to driving a pair of 89db speakers? The VK-220 certainly has enough power but will I miss the "magic" of tubes? There are enough devotees to both sides so please let the battle begin!
Fishwater, it's great to hear that you've spent a happy year with the VK60.

I noticed your virtual system hasn't been updated to reflect the addition of the BAT. Are any other components different in your set up?

Also, you list a McCormack DNA1 as part of your system. Do you still have this amp or was it replaced by the VK60? Were you able to draw a sonic comparison between the two? I've always wondered how the DNA1 would compare to my VK200.
I just demoe'd the jr's with Granite Audio mononblocks...30 watts a side in triode....this was enough to play the speakers to earsplitting or ss...depends on what you like....I've heard both and each have their merits...I'm running an all BAT system.
So, where are all of you with this these days? Anyone using the newer VK-55 with their 4 JR's?
You should really try out a Butler Audio 2250. Tube sound with solid state slam. The best amp I have heard, for $2500 it will outperform any solid state out there for $10,000. 2 x 250 watts of pure tube fury
I am running a vk60 amp in replacing my Biamped Bryston 3BST driving my pair of Norh Marble 9 Speakers (87db). Before I hook up the vk60, I was always concerning the bass may shy from the 2x Brystons. However, as soon as I play the 1st track of Jenifer Warran's Hunter CD, I noticed tears are running down to my cheeks with my draw down on the floor. Not only the vk60 gives the depth, texture and 3D holographic imaging, bass is tighter than my Brystons. Yes, the room tempeture is higer but all I have to do is move the vk60 further away from me and would be ok. Since the vk60, I am totally convinced with BAT and I purchased the VK30SE. Wow, it was another quantum leap to my system.. The synergy is just unbelivable. Now, I know what is sound stage, what is bass and what is 3D imaging. Now, the vk30SE has served in my system for a while, I am on the path to VK31SE or 51SE for futher sonic improvement.