B&K Sonata M200 vs Aragon paladiums - whats better

any experience comparing the B&K Monoblocks vs the Aragon Palladiums?

is the big price difference worth it?

thanks for any suggestions (even a single chassis 2 channel) or feedback.

Yes you are in the price range of a used Pass Labs X-250. Most importantly is what speakers you are using. The synergy between the speakers and amps is critcal to what amp is better. You could have the best amps in the world but if they don't work with your speakers the sound will be poor at best.

Happy Listening.
Sogood51 is right again. The Aragons are great little amps, and a very good deal for the money.

If I were buying I'm not sure what I would do though, you are in the range of some very good stereo amps on the used market. The Pass Labs is a good option, or even some of the Krell FPB series can be snapped up for about the same price.

I understand why a person would want to go with monoblocks, but I'm not sure where the biggest bang for the buck would lie in this application.

Just get a new pair of Wolcott's!