B&K Sonata M200 vs Aragon paladiums - whats better

any experience comparing the B&K Monoblocks vs the Aragon Palladiums?

is the big price difference worth it?

thanks for any suggestions (even a single chassis 2 channel) or feedback.

Boston Lynnfield 500Ls

85 db - but that doesnt tell the whole story - they are power hungry

comments on the x150?
I don't know the Boston Lynnfield's or the spl's you like, or the size of your room..but, I would Pass on the Pass, it's not a powerhouse amp for hard to drive speakers IMO. A used pair of Aragon mono's has much more power (not sure if the new Aragon's are the same amp?). How about the Pass-250, this may be more up to the job.

The Pass X250 is a no lose proposition. It's a fantastic amp. If you don't like it which is unlikely, you can sell it very easily. Pass equipment priced reasonably sells well on Audiogon. I bought a used X250 a little over a year ago and I could sell it today for more than I paid.
Not exactly your question, but may shed some light. Have excellent bargain system results with Theta Miles balanced directly into Sonatas into Vandy 2CE, all cheap Nordost cables. Last night, a friend brought over an Aragon 8008BB. No comparison. With 8008, more detail, air, ease, space around instruments, low end control; you name it. I stayed up way too late, even my 15 year old came out for a listen, and beat me to bed.