Leaving HT for 2 channel-Good or Not?

I originally was strictly 2 channel and loved it. Been into the audio for years. Went into HT but still maintained what I thought was decent gear for HT but made sure that I still loved what I heard in a 2 channel application. I did this because probably better than 90% of what I do is music primarily focused on Jazz and Blues. On occasion, the wife and I will rent a movie and run it through the system. Explosions and the such, WOOHOO!!! Plus, not happy with running that junk through some 8k$ speakers. Now I am thinking about dumping the multi channel amp and processor and going back to 2 channel but really don't want to make a mistake.

Has anyone gone this route and had any regrets later on? My dilemma is that I have one big room for both my Big screen TV and my music. Any and all comments would be appreciated.

Good Listening,

Steve Bachman
Five channel has always been tempting, but it might be a bit like finally getting a date with the homecoming queen, just to find out that she looked much better up on stage than from accross the dinner table.

If you check out many of the virtual systems here on Audiogon, the best lean toward 2-channel
Did it myself and haven't looked back since - the power is in the music and that sounds best in 2 channel
If you're "watching" the movie and not just listening to the soundtrack, then 2 channel movies are just as good as surround.
Keep your sub...
As per all the rest -- I am happy with two-channel dvd. BUT, I use full-range bi-amped speakers (get stereo sub) AND speaker positioning has to take into account the screen, as there's no centre speaker (positioning isn't much of a hassle if there's enough room anyway).
Furthermore, for the outlay of 5-6channel HT, one can afford better two-channel equip.
So, until 5+ channels become mandatory, by law or otherwise, we're OK with two...:)
Get rid of the large TV and get a projector, even a cheap projector blows away RPTV and the screen can be fixed wall mounted or retractable. If you've got a large room you can dump the center channel speaker also. Heck, you can dump all the extra speakers and amps and still enjoy a movie every now and then..but get a projector.
