B&W 804 with ???

In the midst of upgrading system. 804's are new as is Rega Planet; these are currently driven by an old Hafler and Acurus L10. I listen mostly to Rock, Jazz and have some interst in decreasing the brightness of the 804's a bit. Integrated, separates, just the amp, just the preamp ?? would like to keep cost < $2k. Thanks !
Thanks very much for eveyone's response. these are the Nautilus 804's, and, I just ordered some Audioquest type 4 cables (bi-wire). I will have to think about interconnects next. From the responses, power seems to be a common answer. Any thoughts on integrates...Musical Fideliyt, Simaudio ?? Thanks again everyone !
What about Classe? They seem to mate very well with B&W. Something about synergy with sister companies that you can't get elsewhere. Just something to think about. I think the CAP 151 would have enough power for your 804's.
If low price doesn't scare you away, now that you are considering new interconnects, consider a money back home trial of interconnects from designer-manufacturer greggstraley@yahoo.com
When you listen to your favorite music in your own system, you will be very surprised how $120 interconnects bring out the best from your choice of high quality preamp/amp suggestions posted above.
I replaced $995 interconnects, so get ready to hear what the high end is all about.
Musical Fidelity A300 150wpc integrated for ~$1,000 used. Rowland Concentra is also nice but it costs $6,000.