B&W 804 with ???

In the midst of upgrading system. 804's are new as is Rega Planet; these are currently driven by an old Hafler and Acurus L10. I listen mostly to Rock, Jazz and have some interst in decreasing the brightness of the 804's a bit. Integrated, separates, just the amp, just the preamp ?? would like to keep cost < $2k. Thanks !
Musical Fidelity A300 150wpc integrated for ~$1,000 used. Rowland Concentra is also nice but it costs $6,000.
You should definitely try a Tube preamp. I have N804's and it changed by system sound tremendously- really brought out some sweet bass. The mids and highs were always very good. I have an adcom 545II amp and it sounds great, so your Hafleer should be fine. I have a Cary SLP94 Pre, used under $1,000. I'm very happy with its sound!!

Good Luck!
I'm using the N804s with a BAT VK-3i. A very, VERY sweet sound ... you won't be sorry.