Conrad Johnson SS amps

I am currently looking for a new power amplifier to drive my Martin Logan CLSIIs (4ohm load). I am deciding between CJ's MF2250 and MF2500. I was wondering what the difference was between the the stock model and the "A" model. ie: MF2250 vs. MF2250A. I would also like to know if they can they be bridged? Would I get better results using two MF2250 amps or a single MF2500 amp?
I understand they can not be bridged to mono, however, a quick call to CJ would answer that question for sure. I would recommeng the 2500 for it's higher output capability. Also I would not even consider a non "A" model. Having had my MF2500 upgraded with the "A" modification I can assure you it is a substantial improvement in practially all areas of performance.

I own both a MF2250 ("non-A"), & a MF2500A. They are both excellent amps. The MF2250 is surprising in it's power given it's compact size, & sounds very clean & smooth with excellent dynamics. Of course, the 2500 sounds just that much better with hard to drive speakers. I can't really see any point to buying two 2250's instead of one 2500, altho I did consider that myself at one point. I think it's worth holding out for a 2500A since they only sell for $200-$300 more (used) than a "non A", & it costs $500 for CJ to do the upgrade. (But I'm sure the "non A" is excellent also given my experience with my 2250). Good luck!
I'm curious how these amps do with 4 Ohm loads or less. Conrad-Johnson has an odd policy of stating their tube amps out put into 4 Ohms, but, refuses to do so for their solid state amps. I've got to believe that many people are dismissing their products out of hand due to this weird policy. I've asked this before, but , I'll try again; has anyone compared the older all mosfet high powered 2300 amps to the newer 2250 mosfet/bipolar amps? They are about the same price on the used market. Sorry if I'm stealing this thread.