Comparing digital amps

Who makes digital amps and what are the thoughts on them individually? I've searched the archives and here's what I found:

PS Audio
Bel Canto
plus Panasonic and Sony

I'm looking for a summer amp because my 100 watt tube amp is just too much for our AC-less summers. I'm curious about digital amps for several reasons including that they run cool. I'm looking for a good value, but would also like to hear about the more expensive units. I'm curious about the ability to run my transport direct into the amp (but I don't this can beat an Audio Note DAC). Most of these don't appear to be available for demo nearby. Any informative comments greatly appreciated. Thanks.
If money matters you can't beat the CarverPro ZR1600 for about $840. Many have commented about its good sonics so I won't repeat that. This is one you can afford to try amd form your own opinion.
Digital looks like a freight train that could dramatically change the solid state amplification landscape.