IO Signature/Steelhead/Arc Reference/ and Colibrì?

So, to sum up, according to you, which is the best arranged system for the Colibrì 0,65 mv at 500 Ohm optimal suggested load impedence?
I mean , just for analog LP playback!

These are the combos I could arrange used:

1. Io Signature with dual power supplies with Volume
2. Io Signature with dual power supplies and ARC REF 2 MkII
3. ARC Reference Phono with ARC Reference 2 MkII
4. Manley Steelhead with volume control
5. Manley Steelhead and ARC REF 2 MKII
6. Other combos?

One more vote for Bruce Wenger at BWS consulting. Great guy. Like Frank said, Bruce re-tubed his IO, my brother Kevin, and mine as well. Frank, that's like 50K in tubes, LOL!!
Chris, I actually had to sell my dentures and put my wife out on the street to afford those tubes but, hey, it was worth it! LOL ~!!!!!!

I have an Io signature w/ volume controls. I run cartridges with lower output than the Colibri with no sense of loss in dynamics...but then I have never tried , in my system, a comparable line stage to run through. Some with more sophisticated systems do run a line stage as well.

My decision to run Io alone was for simplicity and cost as I play mostly vinyl. The efficiency of the system further down plays a roll in the virtues of a line stage with the Io. I have tried the Steelhead and the Io was more to my liking in my system...but at it's price vs. the Io the Steelhead is a "bargain". There are some here with the Io and big Sound Labs etc. that abide by the line stage approach. The drive to get those beasts going starts with the phono and line stage so the extra swing may be beneficial in these state of the art systems. For my more moderate tastes the Io alone does not leave much to be desired...presently I'm content....but I'd like to hear more on the +'s and -'s of line stage vs. no line stage Good Luck, AJ