Sim Audio Moon P-5 too dry

Just bought the Moon P-5 & am finding the sound too dry & the treble is sounding too crisp/high. Mind you I dont like warm tube like sound, I like fast & neutral, yet I am not liking the sound of the MOON P-5!!!

My system Bryston 4B-ST, Sony SCD-C555ES SACD player, Energy Veritas 2.4 speakers, Kimber Silver Streak Cables.

The Moon has been run in already, so thats not an issue here.

Before I had the same setup but was using my Yamaha RX-V800 home theatre receiver as the pre-amp. The Bryston was running the main 2 front channels. Honestly it did not sound bad. Now I get the moon and I am not too happy, actually I am totally lost!!!.

People please help me out, do I need to change my CD Player though I need to have a SACD player due to my SACD collections. Maybe I can keep this player & get a seperate CD player or get a DAC. I am not changing the Energy Veritas I have decided on that.

Thanks & I really need the help.
My P-5 also sounds a bit dry, but not egregiously so. I agree that some cable swapping is in order. My suggestion would be to try either Wireworld Gold Eclipse 5 or Acoustic Zen Reference Matrix II in XLR configuration out to the amp. Borrow cables if you can, from dealers or friends, to sii if they might change the sound in directions you like.

The suggestion of trying a used passive in place of the P-5 is also a good one. It might be less expensive than buying new cables. I bought a transformer based passive, and it sounded noticebly warmer and more musical than the P-5. But given that the P-5 is such a capable preamp, it's really worth trying to bring it on song first.
You can try Black Diamond Racing Cones MkIII under your CDP and preamp. Cured a lot of brightness in my system. Regards.
While a cable swap may help, let me suggest that you live with the P-5 a bit. If your personal reference has been the Yamaha, you may need to adapt and learn how the P-5 sounds over time.
Thanks everybody, I really didn’t expect so many answers.

The Sony SCD-C555ES SACD player does not have an IEC so can't experiment with power cables, also the Sony rests on Nordost Pulsar Points. My whole system rests on Atacama Equinox shelves which have spikes for all the shelves, so vibration is not a problem I presume.

I did manage to get a Gutwire Pure Clef not the SE version for the Moon P-5 & I think the glare is less. Speaker cable QED Bi-Wire Original MK2 bought those 4 yrs ago when I had less money (sigh) & haven’t changed them since. I would say they are no where close to esoteric, but not bad either.

I am willing to change speaker cables too, any suggestions? Some of you have mentioned interconnect change & I am willing to do that also.

I am also considering buying the Moon Eclipse CD Player though it’s a bit beyond my budget right now. I am also thinking about 2 Sony players, the SCD-1 or SCD-XA777ES any comments on their Red Book performance. You guys have any other suggestions for a CD player or should I just stick to my current player & upgrade the cables?

I know these are a lot of questions, sorry but I need to get this problem sorted out.

Thanks again everybody.
Experimenting with the Dakiom Feedback Stabilizers might be worthwhile. $67 for 2 pair with a 30 day MBG. That's a small, risk free investment in a device that might make a difference. I'm not connected with this company in any way, but I am thinking of trying them myself just to see what's up.