Counterpoint SA-5000 or First Sound Presence Pre

Has anyone compared the Counterpoint to the First Sound? What did you hear?

Mknowles16... whatever..

you can discard my information regarding the reliablity of would have to blind to ignore it.

it is on the current alta vista site and all over audiogon and asylum.

dont get me wrong it is great sounding gear when it works, but there is a major relaiblity issue and that is obvious.

if you cant recognize that, then you need to question your intellectul honesty or lack thereof

regarding the print bill. why dont you ask mike e. about the situation ? he got off, i had other jobs in the shop that paid for it. precsion litho is the second largest printer in san diego, things like this do happen.

the owner of precison litho ( dennis rampee wrote it off).when a business goes bankrupt (chapter 7), there is nothing that can be done. the print shop bill was small compared to the other far mike e. as a friend, that may be streching it a bit thin. a business acquintance would be better.

i was a business acquaintance with mark baker and albert von schkvert when he was with counterpoint. how they handled albert and replaced him with pat mcguinney ( meadowlark) is a whole different story and none of my business.

rather than attack the person why dont you attack the discussion ?

if you stand on your soap box and say counterpoint is know for reliable gear... then are not wearing any clothes and the only person that doesent see it, is you.

There is no need to attack people for taking different sides of an issue. I am sure that there are many owners of Counterpoint products that have nothing but satisfying relationships with the gear, and also there might be many who think otherwise, due to first hand evidence of their unreliability or other problems. The point is that it is pointless to attack one another over a now defunct company that went under due to regretable and maybe other more interesting circumstances that most of the audio public will never know about.
There are very venerable companies that produced some milestone pieces in the audio horizon and their going under had nothing to do with the quality and reliability of their gear.


There are companies that were innovative, but also controversial, as is Counterpoint, even 10 or more years after their closing its doors.

There is no need to get "personal" about gear, after all, it is one's opinion and we are not ELECTING or VOTING companies out of OFFICE. that the best you can come up with ?

you should read Bemopti123 post...and i would suggest putting some clothes on before you catch cold.

Just for the record I had one of the defective sa-5000 preamps the wiring inside was to short to survive the use of its transport screws broken wires shorted to something inside sent amp into fits welded speaker cones solid they said they would fix problem in future production goodriddens counterpoint