Best Budget Preamp, whats out there?

For a McCormack DNA .5 amp and a Njoe Tjoeb tube output cd player what would be a good pre amp match. I was considering the upgraded DIY Foreplay amp. It is a 300+ with upgrades tube preamp. For a few hundred dollars what is out there?

Eric Baer
Thank you, Bigtee.I agree with your findings 100%.I am glad other people are also willing to give the Adcom GFP-750 its due besides me!
My next goal is to find a used Audible Illusions L-2 line-stage.I have heard alot of great things about it also!
If you are willing to go all passive, Iamcrazy111, I would highly recommend the Placette Passive or the Bent Audio NOH,
Another suggestion: If you are interested in a DIRT CHEAP active preamp, that sounds really good, I'd go with a used Parasound P/LD-1100, P/HP-850, or an Adcom GFP-565 preamp.
Cheap and good sounding!
Daltonlanny, In the years that I have try to contribute to this sight, I have to say this is pretty much a first! Two guys agreeing on something.
Your suggestion of the 565 is good for a bottom basement unit. It's sins are of omission. It may not be the most transparent preamp out there but it doesn't do any nasties to the music.
The L-2 will be worth your wait and search. Unfortunately, I don't think a lot are on the market yet. It is an awfully good preamp and I think it has a little more dynamics than AI's previous offering and is better at the extremes. It also does loud better. Art is offering cryo'd tubes for it. I'm currently evaluating a pair. So far, well, I just don't know yet.
A Transcendant Grounded Grid preamp just ame up for sale here on Audiogon (for $250 I believe). I have no affiliation with the seller.
Jdombrow's advice is sound. Check out the Transcendent Sound GG pre- you might be surprised!