Perreaux 350P

Anyone have any experience with this amp? Thoughts on driving N802's with it? Thanks
We are driving Piega C-10 ltd with a 350p and it works perfectly. We have traded a pair of Halcro DM 58s and a pair of Goldmund 29.4 for the mono version 750p due to the excellent drive chacteristics and sound quality. A 350p will drive your B&W excellent.
What is the opinion of folks who used Perreaux Amps without a Pre. Can a passive pre really do justice to a Perreaux amp? How about driving it straight from the output of a CD player?

I know preamps are an important part of the chain, but just curious how important it is for a Perreaux amp from yesteryear. 3150B? 2150B?
Markvetnz: The older Perreaux's i've worked with all had specific tonal balances to them, regardless of the loads placed upon them i.e. speakers and / or cabling. The only time i've ever run across a cable that drastically changed the sound on these amps was with YBA Diamond's. This cable really opened things up, but at the same time, bass weight was definitely lost. I am using my Perreaux's strictly for woofer duty.

HiFi Farm: That is a very interesting post to say the least i.e. trading Halcro's AND Goldmund's for big Perreaux's. I bet that Halcro and Goldmund dealers & fans are cringing everywhere. If i hadn't read it from the mouth of a reputable dealer, i wouldn't have believed it.

Quadophile: My experience with the specific Perreaux models mentioned was that the require quite a bit of drive for full output, regardless of the rated input sensitivity. Personally, i would not think that those specific Perreaux amps would work well in a passive based system. If you have a DAC with a very high output level, you might be okay. Sean

Your posts always invariably add to other peoples knowledge ( and mine too) Thank you!
I think that Hi Fi Farms may be pushing a product they sell here, since they don't sell Halcro, and ARE distributors for Perreaux.
It would be, to me, as if someone preferred a new Ford Focus to a new Infiniti g35 Coupe.
Perreaux is good gear, but I am not aware of anyone who would place them anywhere near the quality of Halcro.