Classic Rock Listener - Help me build my system

It's a Saturday evening, Got my equiptment all warmed up,
put on a Yes, Led Zepplin, Moody Blues, Nektar, etc.( or almost any of my late 60s thru 70s ), kick back in my chair
and am disappointed time after time at the lack of enjoyment I'm getting from all this equiptment I've invested in. As a music LOVER, I admit I am not all that knowledgeable about the equiptment and what matches what.
I have a Krell KAV-300, Sunfire Classic tube Preamp, into a Mark Levinson 331 into Legacy Sig.III. Using Audioquest Crystal2/Forest biwire and Cardas Quadlink 5c connects.I need much advice as to what to change out of system and what to replace with other than my Sig IIIs. The sound mostly seems dark with a fatigueing hardness if you can believe that. I like to somewhat crank but the more I do the more those negatives increase. Any advice?
Hello Daveheine...Lots of advice to look into... I like Jmcgrogan2s advice...Myself,if Rock music is the only type of music you listen to [thats a shame] dont spend alot of money on equiptment...What your looking for is not in most rock engineered/recordings...
Thanks for the advice. I learned quite a bit just reading those 3 posts. I forgot to mention that I do have everything on a dedicated line into a Monster 2000 and the room is average size ( 14 x 16 or so) with the left side open to living room. Moving the speakers around is difficult with the Audioquest garden hoses so Im going to replace those first for that reason alone. They really put a strain on the speaker lugs. John, I like the phono idea and its something I was going to add to the system after I get things to sound right for my Cds because I've got a huge collection from that era compared to the vinyl I own.
Prior to getting the equiptment listed above, I was just using a Sunfire Sig amp into the classic preamp and into a pair of Pinnacle Reference speakers and a Pinnacle 350 sub using the Krell cd player, using Nordost Blue Heaven all around and I swear it sounded noticably
better. Seems like every review I read on different equiptment, the guy doing the review evaluates the stuff based on critical listening type music instead of how it does good ole' classic rock. I don't really need my stuff to ace jazz or orchestra music, I want it to KILL when I put on Aphrodites Child (the 4 horsemen). I have been told more than a few times that the Theta Miles is a cd player to try. Going from that Sunfire amp to the ML 331 might have been a change for the worse too cause that Sunfire
Seemed to have much better bottom end and could really crank. Anyway, thanks for the input and I'll just keep
I find it interesting that sometimes somebody (in this case Stiltskin) has to say rock music (or any type of genre) isn't worth having good equipment to listen to.
"dont spend alot of money on equiptment"
I won't go into what I think saying it's a shame implies but the overall context of the post is clear.

Dave, since you mentioned you have everything plugged into the Monster, how about trying the amps directly into the wall? Conditioners can sometimes choke the sound when it comes to amps.
This response is to thank all that posted for their support and POSITIVE advice and to Stiltskin........ Your not the type of person Im interested in getting advice from...
you know, the "I'm somehow superior because I'm ABOVE listening to that "Rock and Roll". Also,you dont know me or what I listen to or dont listen to so do me a favor and leave out the personal BULL#$%^ and If you havent anything positive to help me with then stick a violin up your....!