classe ca-300 or bryston 4b sst for thiel 2.4

i am currently running my thiel 2.4 with a classe ca-300 amp, but i am not 100% happy. i am getting a 4bsst for a bargain price. which amp is a better match with thiel??
my other equipment is sonic frontiers line 1 preamp, classe cdp cd player and acoustic zen cables.
i am looking for more bass and not to bright highs.
thanks in advance
i agree with theo. go with the classe. it is a much warmer sounding amp. thiel's in my opinion tend to be on the more bright side and i think the bryston would make it even more bright sounding.
Get a pair of Aragon Palladium monoblocks. The mids & highs sound like tubes (with 100+ watts in pure class A), have great bass control, project a nice soundstage, and can easily drive 2 ohms.
Get another CA-300 and try vertically bimaping. It just
sounds like you need some more current delivery. You've
already got what's considered to be one of the warmer
sounding amps out there. I vertically biamp with 2 ARC
D400mkIIs. Adding the second one really made a difference
as my speakers can suck current like your Thiels.
I have owned both the CA-300 and Bryston 4bsst. If you want more bass and less "bright" highs- look at different amps than these two altogether. But, I would first try driving the CA-300 with a different pre-amp than the SF.
I agree with the above post. Try a different tube preamp. That can make a large difference. Going to the Bryston is a waste of time imo.