Favorite SS Amp?

And the search continues. I am always looking for better. I currently have a pair of Dali Euphonia MS-4's which I love. I am using a Sherbourn 7/2100 which is a fine amp but not exactly what I am looking for. Ideally I am looking to go back to just 2 channel. Based on size and WAF constraints, I am limited to a stereo amp that will be in a cabinet so heat will be a consideration, although the bottom shelf could conceivably have 5-6 inches above it for heat dissipation if I went to a Class A amplifier. Budget is a consideration. Really not looking to spend much over 3-4K used. High current and respectable power would be a plus. Sonic signature is very important and big soundstage as well. Thanks in advance for all of your good input.

Good Listening,

Steve Bachman
Phoenix, AZ
Plinus & Sim Moon-Neither have I heard,but from what has been told they would be a good match for my speakers.

Any amp that is good synergisticly with your speakers and Pre would be a favorite.

I would take a LAMM any day though! Baaaaahhhhh!
In my system, the Pass Aleph 3.

Blew away my previous SS amps: McCormack 125, Musical Fidelity 3CR, Bryston 4BST, Proton D540.

On the other hand, the Aleph is the only pure Class A amp I've ever heard in my system.

I really love my NL-12; it may very well be my amp for life, I believe. No heat, extraordinary bass, very natural voices, unabrasive but detailed midrange, non-tizzy highs, nice depth. It just gets out of the way. As good as Lamms I have heard with my same speakers (Kharma 3.2s) with superior, tighter, more absorbing bass.
I used to have a Pass X350 (for 3 years); the Pass had nice mids/highs, but strange forced, foggy, upper bass. Lower bass was deep & detailed, though, but heat was a big prolem. They have a 30% off sale at Edge for a couple of weeks.
Ayre V-5x...Beautiful to listen to and very nicely finished too!!!
All the bass you need for most listening rooms and a sweet unfatiguing top end.
If you can find a cj Sonographe amp,outstanding as is anything to with cj is.Al