ARC LS 16 MK1 vs. ARC LS25 MKll

I am considering an upgrade from my LS16 MK 1 to an LS25 MK 2. I understand the hybrid design is not as tube sounding as the 6922 design, however I am wondering if anyone else has opinions on this upgrade.

Thanks in advance.
Ag insider logo xs@2xmagnepanmike
I can understand that there are some individuals out there that just do not like ARC for some reason or another, and I respect their opinions, (that is why I started the post after all), however if the 6h30 tube is inadequate as I am detecting from some of the posts above, then why are some of the major hi end companies such as BAT, ARC and Conrad using them? I would think their integrity would be on the line if they all of a sudden went to a tube that was worse than the 6922.... Doesn't make sense on an "audiophile" standpoint, or a "business" standpoint either..........

I am curious if I took the "ARC" out of the equation, and just asked for a comparison between the 6922 and the 6h30 tube if I would get different opinions.
Hi Magnepanmike

Well, as the 6H30 needs more current than the 6922/6DJ8, a "direct" comparison in the same ARC unit is a bit difficult.
Have you try NOS tubes on your LS16 ?

No I haven't, I'm not sure where to start. I am a little intimidated because I have read that you can use a different but, but the unit needs it's bias adjusted.

Is this true?
The REF One does have trimmers. The LS don't need to be biased, only "balanced" tubes are required : triode1 = triode2 for each tube.
You only need to change the ones of the first and/or second stage(s) to tune the sound.

Try the Amperex 6DJ8, still cheap ;-), but sounds good. The current Ei 6DJ8 is not bad also.
ARC units are "very sensitive" to tube rolling, you'll be able to tune the sound with your MkI, KEEP it !!! don't upgrade.

Check on Tube Asylum for more feedbacks and contact ARC for more infos, their staff is very helpful.
I talked several times with Leonard, he's cool.
Your LS16 has only 4 tubes.
The first step could be changing V1 and V2 with a pair of Bugle Boy.
Happy listening !