Tube Suggestions 6922 4 pathos Classic one

I have a Pathos Classic One that needs some warm tubes with good bass.... Any suggestions?
I disagree with John_tracy, Siemens are not warm sounding tubes. Compared to Amperex's and Mullard's, the Siemens sound leaner. That doesn't mean that the Siemens sound bad, mind you.
John_tracy's description of "warm, larger images, softer focus" is closer to the sound of Philips E188cc than Siemens 7308, in my opinion. I have used both tubes in my system, and they're both excellent...just different flavors.
When I had my version 2, I found the 6dj8 amperex's to give the best soundstage/imaging/bass, plus I have a ton of them for pretty cheap if you need some, both NOS and like NOS.

I have tried mullard/siemans/amperex ect and found the amperex to give the best sonics for MY EARS.
"I have tried mullard/siemans/amperex ect and found the amperex to give the best sonics for MY EARS."

AMEN to that. I burn Amperex in my rig.