Berning ZH270 help

Hi folks,
I've a problem with my ZH270 that maybe someone else has got and solved.
My ZH270 since few days after 10 about minutes from turn on starts to rustle and croaking on the left channel, you can see the red led of bias to flick.
If I turn it off and then on again in short time (less than a minute). I got the big bump but then I can play for hours but no more noise comes up.
This is systematic. Any idea of what could be? Maybe something I can fix myself whitout send it to service.
Thanks for any helpful replays.
Sounds like a terrible problem and I suggest you sell it me. Just kidding (sort of). Good luck getting it sorted out. Bob
DId you switch tubes from one channel to the other to see if the problem changes channels? If you did and it stays in the same channel, it's probably not tubes. In that case I'd get in touch with David Berning or Allan Bhagan.
If one of the tubes are not within it's spec, the amp will see it within 1/60 of a cycle and continue to try and correct it within every 1/60 of a cycle while limiting current to the tube, which turns the LED red, if you turn the amp off and then on again and the problem is gone for awhile, that could mean the tube warmed up and is now operating within it's specs.

So as Oneprof suggested, please swap the tubes from one channel to another and see what happens, I suggest only doing the outputs firsts and try it that way for a while and see what happens.
It would also help to know the age of the amp.

Please feel free to e-mail me.