Bruce Moore Companion IIC preamp

I just wanted to know if anyone else has one of these , and what they think of it?
I just bought one off of Bob Bergner at RBAudio to replace my Audio Research SP16 preamp and I must say that it is in my opinion much better sounding than the SP16. I got it hooked up to my Rogue Magnum MB 120's and it sounds fantastic! Lower noise floor than the SP16 and much better bass , it's also lusher sounding!
Great preamp for the money!
Does anyone else have any experiences and/or opinions of these Bruce Moore preamps? I'm even considering getting a one of his amp designs.

I have one of his preamp designs from a previous company that he worked for, MFA. The MFA Magus is a really good one, and has become a "cult classic" for high-value preamps w/phono section. Very reasonably priced on the used market. I have spoken with Bob Bergner numerous times about the Companion, and I have no doubt it is a very fine preamp.
Yeah , I love this thing. I'd love to end up somewhere down the road with his top-end preamp and 225 watt monoblocks!

That would be the ultimate!
I've got a "late 80's" version of the Magus preamp that needs tech service to eliminate a 60 cycle hum. It's been in storage for several years and I'd like to get it running again for a phono preamp as well as for it's lush, natural sound & great soundstage. Can anyone assist me with the name/number of someone capable of working on this unit.
Tom, Mission Viejo, CA (949) 310-4246