What cables are recommended for Rowland M201's?

Just purchased an excellent used Wadia 830 to connect directly to my Rowland M201. I'm using Cardas Golden Ref AC cords, Siltech IC's and Speaker Cables. Somehow, this combination is not as good as Krell 400xi and Audio Research CD3.

Also, what cables are recommended for Krell 400xi and Audio Research CD3? Currently using Analysis Plus Silver Power Cord and Siltech cables all around. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks!
What is 'not as good' if you would elaborate. It's hard to tell what you are talking about.
I think I've spotted your problem. You need some speakers. When you get some, tell us what they are and ask the question again.
Are you saying the Krell/ARC combination sounded better than the Rowland/Wadia combination? Can you explain what you mean by better.
PS Was thinking of buying one of the Rowland integrated amps that uses the 201's for amplification.
I'm using Proac Response 1.5's and currently don't have a preamp. Somehow, the Krell/ARC combination sounds a lot better to my ears. This combination impressed me with better sonics, natural and crystal clear highs and better soundstage. Maybe, it has something to do with the ARC CD3. On the other combo, Wadia directly to M201, somehow, I don't hear that wonderful image and soundstage I hear from the Krell/ARC combo. However, dynamics and bass extension are far more detailed I think. So, I think maybe I'm using the wrong cables or maybe just my ears.