Parasound JC1's vs. Sim Audio W10

I am looking for amps to drive some MBL 101d's and wonder which of these two monoblocks would work the best. Or any other suggestions that you might have.
My apologies Krevzeik. Daltonlanny, you are correct. I meant to direct my comments to MahanDave.
As an owner of a pair of JC1's which I run through a Moon P-5 pre, I would have to say that you have no idea about the JC1. Please open the top of one of these and see for yourself whats inside before rushing in to comment about them!

Since I already had the Moon P-5 pre before I bought the JC1, I naturally looked at Moon Power Amps. Having chosen the JC1 over the W6 should indicate the quality of the JC1's. In fact most magazines, including Stereophile who gave JC1's a fab review don't even have any ads endorsed by Parasound in their magazines. This should also be indicative to the build quality of these amps & their sound. Go ahead hear them have a look and then you are more than welcome to comment!!
Nothing wrong with the build quality of the JC-1! It is nothing short of amazing to get the parts quality inside that those bad boys (for the money or any other way you want to express that)exibit. I have seen a lot worse out of some much more expensive products.
I didn't warm up to the amps (but it could have been an issue with breakin, want deny that) but they were a couple of the best built amps I have seen.
Gladstone, I run my JC-1s in high bias 24/7 and have for a couple years for both my Rockports (an easy load) and my Sound Lab M-1s (tough load) and curious what speakers are a tougher load than the Sound Labs? I chose the parts in the units and will say that those cheap Superior Electric posts cost five times as much as what is normally used by Parasound, are the originals that everyone copied and eat things like the WBT, Edison Price and Cardas binding posts. They were chosen for their performance, not their pricing. The JC-1 is what it is, a very powerful amplifier that can be machine built in Taiwan using specified parts that also sounds very good.........Sure we could do better if the retail pricing was 25K/pr........

Bob Crump
CTC Builders
Cadougie - there are a couple of reliability things that could use improvement, mostly in older used JC-1's. Parasound is aware of these and some of these have been improved in the newer versions. I'm surprised that you had problems with a recent amp - perhaps it was from an older build lot.

I resolder all of the power transistor solder joints because some of these are not good in the older amps. The open-frame pots used for the bias adjustment seem to drift (or the other components drift), and finally, the inrush limiters do not have a lot of margin, so I use higher current versions. Once these things are changed, it is a very robust amp. I have had mine for several years and use it every day.