Parasound JC1's vs. Sim Audio W10

I am looking for amps to drive some MBL 101d's and wonder which of these two monoblocks would work the best. Or any other suggestions that you might have.
I have no doubt these are fine amps when the breakin time is up, judging from the great endorsements I have read by so many folks. What bothers me is that should I buy a pair, and I am interested, I will have to play them on average 10 hours a day for 4-5 months before they deliver the performance I have paid for. That is a Hell of a long wait and if they sound lousy during that period, I don't think I would buy them, for that reason alone.

Can you please explain if there is a way to speed up the burn-in,and comment on the sound quality during this period. Will I enjoy my music during this time, or will I get discouraged?When I see these for sale on A-gon, I wonder if that is in fact the situation that has befallen the seller.
Thanks, Carl
Brrgrr, the amps go through ups and downs during break-in, but the worst is the first thirty days whilst they go between brilliant to thin......They settle down after thirty days and go dull and finally wake up at about 55-60 days and stay there........I just leave the tuner on and play the system at a low level 24/7.........
Bob, Just out of curiousity....what is the reason capacitors need so long to settle in? I have noticed the same thing in my VR4jr's recently.....suddenly, they are a changed speaker, and very much for the better.

Both the Nichicon and the Black Gate use an unusual electrolyte and there are some oil filled caps that take a while to break-in as well.........JC-1s go through a similar phenomenon as the VR4jrs as imagine they were dull as dirt from 35-55 days and then opened up big time........Had a similar problem with WBT binding posts so lord knows what is the cause, but Curl thinks he has tracked down the severe break-in problem on the JC-1s to the high current Nichicon caps.......Whatever it is on the VR4jrs the way to proceed is to talk to the manufacturer and get his take on break-in as some of the better parts take inordinate times to open up..........I would get the manufacturer's take on break-in times and run with it........Funny, but some of the cheapest parts break in easier than the fancy spreads.......
Thanks for your input, Bob! I own a pair of JC1's and love them with my Magnepan's.

It's usually reported that most high-end companies do extensive listening to select parts, design, etc. How do long breakin parts factor into this process? It seems it would take an enormous amount of time to settle upon the best mix if you had to wait for parts to breakin this long? Do you limit the parts to a select few based on circuit analysis and/or experience?
