Parasound JC1's vs. Sim Audio W10

I am looking for amps to drive some MBL 101d's and wonder which of these two monoblocks would work the best. Or any other suggestions that you might have.

What was the audition of Pass Labs X 350.5 like? Being underwhelmed of Halo JC1 performance after shorter break-in, you announced turning to Pass. I am deadly curious to know on first impressions!

Can anyone compare JC1 vs new Pass X 350.5?


Zoran, Macedonia
I am picking the Pass X350.5 up tommorrow and will have it over the weekend.
I will give an update after that
Yes, curious minds would like to know! I have been wondering how these two "Super Amps" would match up.

Also, after reading (3) seperate rave reviews, from (3) totally different types of reviewers/mags on the McCormack DNA500, I can't BELIEVE no one out there hasn't compared IT to either of these amps... (oh yes, I've posted the question)
I have posted the question too, Denf, but with NO RESPONSES whatsoever! I do not understand that either.
I would also like to know how Henry Ho's H2O ICE signature monoblocks compare to the above named amps?