Parasound JC1's vs. Sim Audio W10

I am looking for amps to drive some MBL 101d's and wonder which of these two monoblocks would work the best. Or any other suggestions that you might have.
Daltonlanny! Looks like it's up to one of us to buy the DNA500 (or H2o mono's) and find out for ourselves, eh?

Now, if someone will just loan us each $7k or so large...
Hey anyone out there, can Denf or myself borrow about 7 grand?? Pretty please? I promise we will pay it back sometime in our lifetimes! lol.
Denf, Zormi. For what it is worth I have now listended to the Pass X350.5's, JC1's one more time, bryston 7bsst and the cj premier 350.

In my system, the cj prem 350 sounds overall the best. It has the tightest (jc1 was pretty tight as well) and most natural bass out of all of the amps. the bass with the pass was just a little loose. mofsets vs bipolar??. The high end has a degree of dynamic top to bottom life that the others don't have. Musically they are the most satisfying.

The Pass X350.5 sounds good, but in my system the bass was a little overwelming and seemed not to have the speed in the top end the cj has.

Bryston sounded very controlled, but lacking a little dynamic life and extension in the high's.

JC-1's sounded a bit gray and lacking in dynamics unless you really cranked up the volume. Micro dynamics were not as good as the Pass of cj. My personal opinion is that sound wise it was on par with the Rotel 1090, which for its price sounded great.

anyway, I am buying the cj prem350 to mate with my Vienna mahlers.
Thanx Downunder,

Your judgement into such a strong competition have not been easy job obviously...
One of major advantages of Halo JC1 should be very affordable price, recently raised, unfortunately (plus recovered USD vs Euro). Almost reaching territory of giants like Pass, Krell FPB, Mac..., Parasound Halo JC1 is still OK, but stops being ultimate choice. That's why I gave up from upgrade my Halo A21 to JC1.
BDW, damn right that Rotel RB-1090 fights very well for money.

Congrats for choice. Enjoy.
Zormi. I really wanted to like the JC-1's. The bass was definately better the second time round, but it had no life in the upper mids and top end. Just plain boring. I really think parasound need to change there caps as no one in their right mind can expect to wait 1200 hours for the amp to sound better.
The Mac 501's and Pass 350.5 sounded good after 50 hours, Krell 300cx was starting to sound better after 150 hours but still a little strident in the highs for my taste. cj after 120 hours, still improving. All these amps sounded at 95% plus at these hours, which is what high end hi fi should be like.

Interesting the low or no feedback designs ( prem 350, Pass 350.5, Sim W5) were to my ear the better sounding amps compared to their high feedback cousins like Parasound, Mac and Bryston. It was if the high feedback amps had a limiter on the expressiveness and natural tones in the upper mids/and treble. The high feedback amps had arguably the bigger bass thou. But it is top to bottom conherence and musicality that rule the day with my listening biases.