Bryston 3bsst Vs. Coda 11

Opinions please on which would fit better in my system? I am a college student so buying an amp like this is a big investment for me. The Coda is used and is in very good shape.(maybe like 200 hrs on it ). I am also open to any other amp suggestions. My current system is:

Epos m12 - speakers
Cambridge Audio 500se cdp
Nottingham Horizon tt
Bryston 3b ( old ) amp
Rogue 66 Mag pre-amp

With my current bryston amp the sound is a little grainy and maybe too forward for my taste but I love the way it controls the bass.
I can't speak to the Coda amp, since I have no direct experience with it. The Bryston 3B-SST, however, is a significantly better amp than the original 3B. Tonally, I find the 3B-SST to be very neutral, with perhaps the slightest touch of warmth. It also has excellent transparency and detail, with fine dynamic / transient response for a 150 wpc amp. It also continues the tradition of excellent bass control and response.

The newest "SST" line of amps can be quite "chameleon-like", in the sense that their perceived characteristics are influenced to a large degree by the upstream components and the speakers, adding very little coloration of their own. The "SST" amps certainly won't be confused with tube amps, but neither are they grainy or bright in the way that solid-state amps tended to be until recently.

As a college student, you are probably concerned about value as well as audio qualities, so remember that Bryston has a transferrable, unconditional 20-year warranty, and arguably the best service operation of any high-end audio manufacturer. If I had a son or daughter in college, and was going to buy some good-quality audio equipment for them, Bryston would be at the top of my list. If you watch the Audiogon used equipment ads, you can probably find a used 3B-SST for $1200-1400.

To hedge my answer just a bit, I'd add that you should also consider the amps being made by both Parasound and Rotel. There are several amps from these two manufacturers that offer good sound quality and excellent value.
One is high end and one is high mid fi, the Coda is an excellent component, the Bryston is just very good. On the other hand you will not go too far wrong with either one, and as was mentioned above the Bryston will hold it's value. The Coda will slip a bit more.


I have been watching Audigon ads for a month and a half and have not seen any Bryston 3BSST's or 4BSST's come up in that time.

There are 2 Coda 11's listed right now.

Take it for what it's worth.
bryston is not mid-fi. it is one of the finest electronics companies on the planet. giving a consumer bang for the buck does not mean a product is mid fi.