Otl's with AvantGarde Duos?

I am driving my Duos with Wavelength's Venus. Not entirely satisfied ( to lean?) i am considering going for more power (15-30watts). Would like to have some feedback with OTLs & the AvantGarde.
I love the sound of good OTLs. They have a presence and vitality that makes the music jump. With some horn systems that are a bit forward and emphasize the midrange, this quality may be too much of a good thing. I don't think AGs have that kind of horn sound so I don't see a reason why an OTL wouldn't work. Some OTL's sound a bit light in bass weight, but that is irrelevant with AGs.

The only OTL's I've heard coupled with an AG Duo was the SAP integrated (sounded quite good) and the Tenor (Tenors don't sound like typical OTLs so that doesn't count).
Your combination seems very compelling! Have you tried with other 10-20w combinations as AirTight, Viva Veronas, Art Audio, good Jap's 300Bs and other quality SETs?
Hi Jayarr, FWIW, the Berning is not an OTL. There is a lot of misconception that it is, but it is just that.

An amp that uses an output transformer (air core or not) and semiconductors in the output section does not qualify as an OTL. Unquestionably an innovative design, but it is more accurately described as a Zero Hysteresis Loss amplifier, owing to the fact that there is no hysteresis loss in the output transformer. A true OTL has no output transformer at all and is all tube.
I am afraid that Atmasphere does not quite understand the Berning design, yes, it's not a 40 or 50 year old "OTL" design, but since the transformers and semiconductors are not in the audio frequency signal path, then it's irrelevant if they are there.

This amp is really beyond the normal OTL, which is why Berning named it ZOTL.
The Berning amp is ZOTL and is all tube, completely transformerless and semicondutorless in it's audio signal path.
I think, even with OTL designs it's the same like everything else.
Some are better than others, work better or whatever.
I own OTL's but please can someone describe the "sound " of OTL ?
I use OTL (Atmasphere M-60II ) with a horn loaded design, 99db, 8 ohms and it is excellent. I use Pass aleph's, too and my OTL have no "sound". They amplify the signal the way it should be. Maybe they are much faster than regular tube designs, what they definetly own, is a excellent high frequency area, but that's the way it should be.
I know some AG's and like them, I don't own them, but listened a few times to them, I would use them with OTL without hesitation.