from a Krell SS- FPB 600 to What Tube Amp ?

I have been a Krell listener for 15 years, from the KSA-150 to the FPB 300 ,to now the FPB 600. I love the Power in Class A, and the great Bass that the Krell offers. But I think I maybe missing out here on some great tube amps. I think it is time to give a reasonable audition to some Tube Amps. IF I could please get some experienced answers , that would be much appreciated, like someone who has gone threw this transition . I know all the names of the best tube amps, but getting someone who has experienced this is very valuable to me. My budget is $5K- $8K used prefered, $$lower also works.

My System:

Meitner-EMM Labs DCC2 + Phillips cdp D.O.M ( Truly Amazing )
Kubala Emotion cables, all cables (***** Truly Amazing )
Walker Velociter ( Great Stuff )
Infinity MTS Preludes, 6 Ohms (also need to change)
Townshend Super Tweeters ( Great Stuff )
Krell FPB-600

On the Kubala , well lets say I have had 2 years of trial and error, on cable testing. My home reference consisted of Transparent Reference Speaker cables, after many attemps , with Silteck G5, Valhalla, Supra Swords, Ensemble, the only cable that I found was better was the Jena Valkyres, bought them and they were great, until I tried the Kubala Emotion, I have to say they got auditioned and are now in my system.

Next my interconnect for my reference system were Valhalla XLR, I tried Siltech G5, Ridge Street Audio, Pure Note, Omiga, Meitner, and now Kubala Emotion in my system,

Power Cords, I was using Elrod, Harmonix, Kimber, now Kubala in my system.

This is a new company, that will IMO do very well, The speaker cables has excellent bass extension with the best midrange sound and clearly the best prices. The Interconnects are much better than the Valhallas , much darker back ground , and much more detail. The Power cords are outstanding, blows away latest Elrod and latest Harmonix.

Because all these cords are system dependent, you should try there 30 day free trial. All I can say is call Bob at Rhapsody Audio in NY tel 212 229 1842, and he will be able to answer all of your questions. He will take care of you. Supply you with prices and a service to die 4 .

You will not be disapointed,
VTL REFERENCE 750 if this aint enough bass you need a hearing test. oh and by the way all real amplifiers have tubes not that I'm biased but I am and so are my 24 6550's
Hi Macallan25: I urge to you to read my answer ( similar to your thread ) to: Tube amp for Avalon Eidolon? thread.
What do you want to hear? this is the question.
Regards and always enjoy the music.
Before thinking about amplifiers I suggest you settle on loudspeakers, as you indicate you want to change them as well. A bit of information on your room and music and listening preferences would be helpful, otherwise you might be throwing money at the problem and not solving it.