from a Krell SS- FPB 600 to What Tube Amp ?

I have been a Krell listener for 15 years, from the KSA-150 to the FPB 300 ,to now the FPB 600. I love the Power in Class A, and the great Bass that the Krell offers. But I think I maybe missing out here on some great tube amps. I think it is time to give a reasonable audition to some Tube Amps. IF I could please get some experienced answers , that would be much appreciated, like someone who has gone threw this transition . I know all the names of the best tube amps, but getting someone who has experienced this is very valuable to me. My budget is $5K- $8K used prefered, $$lower also works.

My System:

Meitner-EMM Labs DCC2 + Phillips cdp D.O.M ( Truly Amazing )
Kubala Emotion cables, all cables (***** Truly Amazing )
Walker Velociter ( Great Stuff )
Infinity MTS Preludes, 6 Ohms (also need to change)
Townshend Super Tweeters ( Great Stuff )
Krell FPB-600
Another SS amp you might consider is the Gryphon Encore. To me it has the best attributes of ss and tubes in one package. Greg Petan of Stereo Times gave it his most wanted component for 2004. Only problem is that it would be hard to find used to be in your price range.
I use the Encore with EMM dac&preamp, Talon Firebird Diamonds and Jena Labs cabling.
the amp's are dynamic, won't have as much bass control as the Krell's - but I assume you are looking for a little more texture and 3 dimension soundstaging by considering tubes.
I play music loud and have never had any issues.
I have recently compared my prem 8a's to pass X350 and halo jc-1's. prem 8a's in my system were comfortably better

cheers SR
Well even thought I know that my speakers have to go, I decided to try a few amps out. 1st was some mono blocks SS @200 watts a side. I did notice a difference immediatly. The sound was more detailed, and had it owne signature sound which I didn't like.
2nd I got a pair of Audio Valves 70 Baldur, Triode. Good looking amps. They are 70 watts and has self auto bias ,and is running in Class A. I let them warm up for a day ( dealer demo's). I sat down around 10pm and put in some musik, I was floored, couldn't pull myself away from my listening room. This was truly amazing. Let see how can I describe what I heard. Well it seemed to have the same style of the Krell FPB600, with the most amazing fidelity, it just was real, all the instruments came alive. The voices were so lush and had more distinction in there voice. The mids open up. I played music for 3 hours, hearing things that wasn't ever displayed by the KSA or the FPB Krell, actually it seemed to bring out what the Krell 150 did best and what the FPB series does well and added an unveilling to the musik. Tons of power and the Bass was fine. I could swith today, ( i didn't even have to do an A/B ,it was that much of a difference, and seemed like a whole new level of sound quality.
Next step, is to find out what is the next level valve amp and try it to compare. I don't want to miss the boat for a few thousand more, then matching the amp to new speakers, even thought I should probably do speakers first, and I may just do that.

This is an very important step to match the amps with the speakers , I don't want to srew up here.

I never thought I would say bye to Krell.