Supratek phono stage dark?

I just received my new Chenin preamp and I notice that when playing records it sounds much darker than my previous Conrad Johnson PV 12. In fact, I can barely hear the cymbals, and even female vocals seem a bit recessed. On the other hand, the bass response is great. Mick, the owner of the company, has been responsive and helpful, but I'm wondering if any one else has experienced this? I'm using a Clearaudio Auram S mm cartridge with 3.5 gain which seems to present no gain problems. Although the manual says that the phono stage is designed for moving coil only, Mick said that the cartridge would probably work.
There are 50 guys who would buy it from you if you give up the ship on this preamp. Bob
Hi Mlkiz. Any luck solving your dilema? If you are not having a problem with the sound of cd through the supratek, something is wrong somewhere in the phono stage, [tubes,switching or cartridge loading] Best of luck.
Thanks for your suggestions. I decided to trade my Clearaudio for a Denon DL 103 moving coil low output cartridge recommended by Mick of Supratek. Hopefully this will solve the problem which is not subtle, but is pronounced. The lines stage does sound great though.