
Has anyone had a chance to here the new Rowland 501's?
I've now had 201's for about a month with close to 100hrs, and consistent with my experience on the Concentra II these amps are very quiet IMO very much a charateristic of all JRDG one could assume the same for the 501's.

They'll still need a lot more time to realize their full potential (as I'm still running them in), but my impressions thus far are that the highs are superb and these are fairly accurate amps.

I've got a pair of very demanding MBL 111B speakers (rated at 81db sensitivity, ouch!) and attempted using my Concentra II at first(for 2 weeks)to drive these German babies and whilst the integrated amp is no slouch they just could not control and perform they way they kicked ass on the ProAc's before them. In came the 201's patnering the Concentra in a biamp setup (with 201 on the high/mid and Concentra low's) and this was more like it. If you're familiar with MBL's you'll know that these are power hungry speakers which is why you see the big beefy MBL amps normally partnered with these speakers and 201's held their own which speaks a lot for these pair of "A4 size" amp.

The dealer where I live has a setup of the Synergy IIi, 501 or 201 with the MBL 111B or 101E which is one of the best setup I've heard so far.


I heard the 201's a few times and the 501's for a few hours. The 201's have problems to control very demmanding speakers with a big driver/s. They are a little leaner, bright and make you feel they are quicker, more focused, more detailed, than the 501's. I never had the feeling that they are a real 250Wpc, like others transistors amps I know. The 501's is more natural sounding and have more power than the 201's. They have a better balance, dynamics, low level resolution and a better control in the bass frequences.

I hope this help,

Prior to owning the 201s, my system (see below) was powered by a Rotel RB1090 amp (380 w/ch). The sound was quite pleasing – well-controlled full body bass, tonally well balanced with good frequency extension. I had no immediate desire to upgrade the amp until I was offered to home auditioned the JR 201s. What impressed at first was the improved transparency and refinement to the sound. I heard more texture and image specificity without glare or forced projection to give the impression of greater clarity. The 201s sound quick, but there’s a natural non-fatiguing ease to its presentation. For such petite looking amps I was absolutely amazed with the weight and extension of the bass. Some may prefer a little more bloom and warmth to the 201s taut and vibrant reproduction of the lower frequencies. But I found this very natural and rhythmically compelling. Even at low listening levels the sound field remained detailed and balanced and without losing dynamics. The 201s had no trouble powering my current hungry B&Ws to very loud levels (25’ x 18’ x 10’ room). In fact those who own B&W 804s and feel they are bass shy should consider a better quality amp like the 201s. These amps sound neutral and don’t colour or emphasis any part of the spectrum. Because of their efficient power capabilities and musicality, I would imagine the 201s suiting a wide range of systems. However, if your system tends to sound cool or bright, the 201s impressive resolution and clarity may be too much of a good thing. As they say, hear it for self and decide.

I haven’t auditioned any of the more expensive JR range or other similar priced amps.
The above observation were made by running my Wadia 301 direct into the 201 power amps using Wireworld Gold Eclipse III XLR interconnects, Kimber BiFocal XL speaker cables, and PS Audio Ultimate Outlet with LabII and Statement power cables.
I disagree with above apprasial from Tomer. To compare both the 201s and 501s in different environments and systems over a few hours may have given Tomer the wrong impression about these wonderful amps.

These amps definitely sound much better after at least 100hrs of use. I've been using the 201s at home for approx 6 mths and recently recently audition the 501s at home in the same system over several weeks. Both amps sound tonally similar with outstanding low level detail and dynamics. However the 201s did sound slightly sweeter, smoother and more coherent compared to the 501s. I suspect this difference was more to do with the 501s lack of proper break-in rather than a sonic signature between both amps. During medium to high listening levels there was slight more ease to the 501s sound presentation but this was only noticable on close comparison between both amps. The 501s would obviously suit those who have bigger rooms, demanding speakers and like listening at loud levels. Otherwise the 201s is the more economical and just as musically satisfying choice.