Rotel RMB vs. Sunfire Cinema Grand

Hi guys,
After months of searching and reading etc, I have narrowed my selection of amplifiers down to two.
I am very much interested in what a Sunfire Cinema Grand could do in my system. My Infinity Kappa 600s (Front) and 400s(surrounds) are wheezing with the 50-watt Adcoms I have pushing them, and they are bi-wireable, thus the Sunfire, with it's voltage and current source posts for the fronts seems like the logical choice. THey are available here on the 'Gon for around $1,500 used, or less, and $1,699 B-Stock from various dealers such as ATS.
THe Rotel RMB-1075 is not as powerful, nor does it have the flexibility of biwiring, but it would save me roughly $600, and I could buy the Rotel here in town at my dealer, new in box with factory warranty. It would also leave me room to upgrade my interconnects as well.
Can anyone attest to the benefits of said biwiring, and are they worth it as far as musical performance goes? I am a fan of high-rez digital sources, SACD and DVD-A, and of course need the best performance possible in two-channel mode. (The best performance short of Halcro, Theta, VTL, etc!)

Any suggestions would be helpful. I am quite treble sensitive, and many amplifiers sound a bit edgy or bright - maybe a good amplifier will correct the harshness my Kappa's produce at limits of their amps - when auditioned with B&K amplification, they sounded wonderful and wieghty, but were very fatiguing, thus I am not looking at B&K!

Thanks! Happy Listening!

Jon BRown
Damn if I had a worse memory of what I did earlier today I would swear that I wrote that post! haha
Well, I may not be tons of help because I am quite earily in the same predicement as you, but I will try to share what I have learned in the last few days.
I to am in the market for an audiophile grade multi channel amp. I have recently left the ugly days of main stream recievers (Yamaha in my case) for the world of high end (Lexicon). I have always had my Adcom 555 mkII to power my main speakers, but the Yamaha handled the Dolby Digital mixing and the amplification of the center and rears. While this upgrade to the Lexicon brought my two channel world to a vastly better place, it left me without amplification for the center and rears. At first, still low on cash from the Lexicon purchase, I wanted to find a reasonable used 3 channel amp. But as I started to go down this road I realized there aren't tons of 3 channel amps out there. I also began to think that I could upgrade the Adcom at the same time. Upon realizing that I could get into a 5 channel amp and upgrade my sound I imediately thought of my long desire to own the Sunfire CG. The original 200w x5 is sold on Ebay consistanly under $1000 and I was within minutes of buying one...until last night.
There is a high end store up my way (Ensemble Audio). Last weekend I stopped in to see what they had for gear in my price range. They immediately told me Rotel was what I wanted. I took home a 1095 demo unit for a two day audition. What I found is still baffling me. It was DAMN bright in my system (Snell E.5 speakers). The 1095 has awesome speed but it was just too much up high for my tastes. I love a nice dark sound and the Adcom is very dark. The Adcom is also very slow and lacks detail. So eager to run home and bid on that Sunfire CG I asked him how one would do in my system. "It will be BRIGHTER then the Rotel" was the response by both salesmen there. I was shocked! Like you I thought the Sunfire was an overly warm amp but I've yet to listen to one in my home. So, I then spoke to one of them for 3 hours last night and he concluded this:
My Snells, Denon CD, Kimber Hero interconnect, and Monster Cable M2.4 biwire cables are on the bright side, and the Lexicon tends to impart some brightness. YIKES! This is NOT what I want to hear.
So he concludes that my best bet is to go to an older, warmer Rotel (985 for example), get some Transparent Audio cables (notoriously warm/dark), and see how I like it.
Hope that helps...I'm in the same boat as you!
I don't have direct info on the two amps you mentioned. I own the Carver Lightstar Reference which is Bob Carver's precursor to the Sunfire design. I am very pleased with the performance. It has enormous power for driving my low impedance and highly revealing e-stats. My system used to be bright - it is no longer so. Brightness is an artifact of many variables - the room, components, speakers, cabling, power conditioning, etc. All of them need to be addressed. I'm currently dabbling with vibration control and ERS paper. I'm amazed that there is always another tweak to make the music sound even better. My approach to curing brightness was being patient and working on one area at a time as I could afford it. I don't think you can go wrong with the Sunfire as far as quality. If resale value is a concern, then you might want to do some homework of which amp has a better turn around value. Have fun!
I was recently considering upgrading my HT amp, and took the Rotel 1095 home for an audition as well. I have to agree with your accessment, I found it brighter then my current amp (H/K sig 2.0), and despite the much better power ratings (200 watts vs. 100), it wasn't much more powerful. I did notice more detail, which was both good and bad, but overall it certainly was not worth upgrading too. I'd describe the H/K's sound as warm and laid back which is perfect for movies, which tend to be bright. My only real complaint was that it was dull in 2ch. Sometimes you see them here for around $500, but they are getting rare. I have yet to find a musical 5ch amp < $1000 that does well for music. I ended up getting a sim audio integrated for my cds which has HT bypass, and have been happy since.