Atma-Sphere M60 Mk11.3 vs Audio Valve Baldur 70 W

Has Anyone experienced how these two valve amps measure up?
and what speakers match these amps best.
Your thoughts
You can't compare them, because they are t-o-t-a-l-l-y different from sound.
The Audio Valve is a very good valve amp and the Atma-Sphere is OTL, with the right speaker, has no "sound".
The AtmaSphee web site has some preferred speakers listed that pair well with their amps.
Thomas is right. AtmaSphere amps have a certain purity that I have not encountered in other amps.
If the Atma Sphere is a OTL, then would the Audio Valve be a SET amp ?.

Could you describe the difference between the two, I see that you own the Atma-Sphere. Maybe you can describ it for me.

I have heard the Baldur, the only valve amp I have audition so far.

To me it seemed to have good Bass, amazing detailed midrange, actually ,I had never heared anything like it, being SS. I seemed like it had very good PRAT.

appreciate your comments
i havent heard thh audio valve..

but the atma-sphere with the right speakers is "totally one of the most rightous" sounding amps bar non ( they also will do bass !!!!)

hope that helps,
