Line Condition /Pwr Protection on Mono Block amps?

Have a pair of PASS XA-160 amps.

I have a couple Shunyata Hydra 8 line conditioners /Surge protectors in my system. Have my preamp and a couple source plugged into line condition. And then a seperate one for my TT and CD player, tuner which is on a seperate line also.

Question ? I plugged PASS amps into two seperate line conditioners (2)- Shunyata Hydra 8 but sound was diminished in dynamics and detail. Almost a very muffled sound with increase distortion when listening.

When I plug PASS amps back directly back into wall , the sound was so much more open and clearer with great dyanmisc. But now I have no protection on PASS amps.
I usually don't get bad surges. Other an occasional black out during summer or storm.

Do I need protection on my PASS XA-160 amps ?
Would you leave plug into directly wall ?
I 've been told power amps are more hardy with standing surges .

Any help is most gracious.
Bhouser is correct about leaving the Pass Labs amps on all the time, the sonics do really change when you turn them off. I had an X-250 and left it on at all times even when I went on vacation. I haven't tried a hydra yet but use the Elord Sig 3 power cord on it and it works great with dedicated lines.

You may want to contact Peter at Pass Labs and ask him his advice as it is always free and good advice.

Happy Listening.
Another idea that works well for high current amps, use a PASSIVE not active line conditioner. Richard Gray equipment is excellent. Audio Research Corp uses these conditioners exclusively,because they don't limit the power that high current amps need. Most active conditioners like ps1200's still cannot handle the bigger amps. The fact that you have sound degradation is based on two likely limitations of the device you are using, lack of adequate capacity to handle your amp's power needs, and it's circuitry is adding color to your signal line. Look at the Power Substation that Richard Gray makes,20amp as well as it can come in 240 volt option that you run a dedicated 240 volt line, which completely isolates your system. From a protection standpoint it can take a direct hit and will be able to protect your amps. Best of luck.
I use a pair of PS Audio Ultimate Outlets on my ARC Classic 120's. There is a noticeable improvement of clarity compared to the wall current.

Good amp don't need the power line conditioner, I agreed with Norfish, sound improved noticeably with PS Audio-Ultimate Outlet High Current 20amp type, used one pair-one by one on ur monoblock, leave pre-amp, CD player or Transport+DAC plug in the line conditioner, thus will sound rightly better.
" Real YOT "