Looking for advice on amp/pre amps...

Hi all, i'm new to Audiogon and i LOVE it! I'm looking for advice on amps/preamps. I can spend in the $2k price range, maybe more. I listen to all types of music, mostly pop/rock. I'm looking to power my Paradigm Studio 100's. I have little to no knowledge on this subject, but am willing to do research and take advice. I'm going to listen to CD's and watch movies and would like to have a nice surround sound set up. I guess thats all, please help! thx, Bob
Very true and thats what i'm doing atm, thx for your reply. I guess at this point im going to keep on researching to get my audition list narrowed. Re-reading my original thread i realize that it is a very broad question and does need to be narrowed. Thx again, Bob
Driver is 100% correct. Here are some suggestions for your consideration:
-Prepro and amp for under 2K is difficult to do
-Try getting a good prepro (Audio Refinement Pre2-DSP or NAD T197 are good options)
-Mate it with a good 2ch amp until you can afford to expand your system (Parasound is a great bang for the buck even new, which does give you a warranty)
-By only buying equipment that you can continue to use and buid up from you will not be disappointed by buying everything all at once on a limited budget.

What components do you currently own and intend to use in a future system? Do you have a dedicated CD player, DVD player, VCR? Depending on your answer, there are some other possibilities concerning a "stepped" approach toward a future HT/surround system.

Instead of buying a pre/pro and amp now, you could buy a quality integrated amp (especially one with an HT/processor bypass loop) to power your Paradigms now and have a good 2 channel system. You could then add HT in the future by getting a good HT receiver that has pre-amp outs and you could use it to power your center channel, surrounds, LFE subwoofer and support your digital source components.

If you do it this way, you won't necessarily have to sacrifice any 2-channel sound quality today and then when you add the HT receiver in the future, you will also have good surround sound quality.

There are many great integrated amps on the market today for well under your $2000 budget.

This type of setup has been discussed many times here and on the AudioAsylum forum. Look for subjects like "combining 2-channel and HT". You can also do a forum search using my user name "Reubent" to find my previous comments on this type of setup.

Of course, another option would be to buy a quality receiver now and then buy a quality integrated amp (or power amp) in the furture to improve the 2-channel music portion of the system. The B&K AVR-202 at about $750-900 used would be an excellent choice. Or you could move up the B&K line and still be within your $2k budget. Heck, you might like these receivers so much that you won't feel compelled to spend any more money in the future!


The best solution in your pricerange is a Panasonic SA-XR45 or SA-XR70 (due out shortly). These are around $400 and give you 100 watts per channel. They can be modded for around $1000-$1200 and sound superb once modded. You will not be able to achieve this kind of sound for less than $3-4K using separates.
Wow, very nice suggestions, i should clarify one thing, i am able to spend roughly 2k on each piece, pre amp, amp, cd player(or combo), etc. I'm single atm so really money is not a big concern however, i'd like to keep it somewhat reasonable. Keep the info coming, i love it, thx again, Bob