oppo 105d mod or look for a new cd player ?

Had dealer install a set of wilson watt/puppy 7's. My system is small comprising of pass labs xa30.5 amp and x1 preamp. My source today is a oppo 105d. I got this since it works for the kids movies etc.. but I listen to 2 channel cd music through it. My dealer advised next upgrade should be my source to a dedicated cd player vs the oppo.
My question is .. lets say budget is $3k-$4K.. would people advise an oppo upgrade (EVS or Modwringht) or a dedicated cd player for the money ? Thanks in advince for any thoughts..
07-28-15: Ptss
Fsyme. Quick question. I suggested a used Alpha Dac. You've had no comment on anything suggested. Reason?
Dealer doing market research?
It's going to be a matter of personal preference; I've owned a Berkley and a Lampi Dac but preferred my ModWright Sony 5400 by a large margin.

Both were very good Dacs but they just didn't have the soundstage, imaging, natural tone and vividness of the ModWright. No interest in any Dac, but maybe some NOS 6SN7s...

@Ptss, no prolly. There is plenty of useful info posted which might assist
other members with the same question :)
Hi.. guys.. sorry been on a unexpected business trip. I'll read through and probe via questions. Tks in advance...