preamp suggestions - help :

currently, i have b&w n 804's with the rotel rb1080 - any thoughts on a good preamp? i'm not too concerned with the cd transport - i've considered a few things including the benchmark dac, etc but i'm really having a tough time with which preamp i should look into. i'm open to including a tube somewhere in the chain but i've heard the 804's do really well with SS... -i'm really at a loss here. any input would be hugely appreciated! :)
any input on a bryston vs. conrad-johnson? the bf is really pushing for a bryston and i'm in the conrad-johnson camp. i'd really like to add a tube to the chain but i'm slightly concerned with the 'warmth' or 'coloring' factor. and yes, it'll be for digital only. i haven't even thought about going into vinyl. ..not yet, anyway :)