Feickert blackbird, kuzma 4 point which cartridge

İ am planning to buy a new cartridge for feickert blackbird tt, kuzma4 point tonearm, full asr electronics. İ have budget around 5k. Lyra, koetsu, shelter, dynavector, zyx, miyajima, ortofon are very popular i think. İ never had a chance to listen except ortofon models. Reviews are very confusing. İ really like to hear your opinions about these manufacturer models, and your recommendations.
I own nearly the same 'German artillery' with Emitter II
Exclusive instead of your Emitter I. My Basis is the so
called 'Gold version' (2010). I also own the Kuzma but
the turntable ( Stabi Reference).The Kuzma is 'armed' with
Triplanar VII and Reed 2A (on an armpod). The carts I
use at present are Benz LP 's'(mr=micro ridge), Miyabi
Standard and Magic Diamond. Those three are the best
carts I ever owned so I can recommend them all.
Titan is fantastic with 4point. Indeed every cartridge better itself with 4 point...
4point comes with a second headshell, so now i am planning to buy another cartridge. Opposite of lyra titan i, what would you suggest.. Koetsu, phasemation, miyajabe, shelter or other brands ?
For something different, consider an Allaerte. Some of these cartridges have extremely low output, so, that has to be taken into consideration. These are warm sounding cartridges that do not sound sluggish or murky.

First of all thanks for your help, you have many messages in this post which are very helpful.

Allaerte is not a familiar cartridge for me, also no dealer around me have them. Let me research for a while :)