How do I keep my cats off my amplifier?

Since my amplifier is too large for an equipment rack, I keep it on a seperate amplifier stand. There is nothing above it to keep my two cats from climbing on top when it is turned on, which they always do, attracted by the warmth. At first I didn't mind until my Rotel RMB-1095 Amplifier shorted due to a build-up of cat hair falling inside. Now my front right channel is gone. I just bought an Integra Research RDA-7 to replace it.
Is there a good way (short of the cat pound) to keep them off?
1. Get a tube amp.

2. Velcro: in strips or a sheet of it. Attach to top of amp. Cat will be seriously annoyed.

3. Get a squirt gun, then for for solution #1.

seriouly, velcro is your answer. Cats hate the stuff.
Hey Allegro12....lighten up. We are having fun. Besides for those that hate cats, logic would prevail that they wouldn't want to own them.

After hearing what cat fur can do to electronics, I will definitely be buying from non-pet owners.
forget pet scorpions...I found this site where the guy that lives in Bangladesh has a pet king cobra...sleeps with the damn thing...go a surf for "cobras as pets"....different people, different customs

Don't forget to check the garbage disposal prior to using it if you cannot locate your cat; makes quite a mess
I have 4 cats myself and a Class A amp so I know the problem. Real easy. Put something on top of the amp when its not in use. Artificial plants or some decorations should do. Something that easy to take off when the amps in use. Just put it back on when your finished listening.

Cats always look before they jump on top of something. If there's something in the way and no where to land they won't try to jump on it.