Buzz from speakers

After all the long search, buy, sell, I pretty much done with my system. BAT VK-D5 -> Emotive Audio Sira LE -> Art Audio Jota (w/ KR300BLX) -> SAP J2001-MKII speaker (diamond tweeter, horn midrange and 12" woofer at 97db). The sound are great so far, missing the bass a little, but ok for my kind of music (classical).
However, I noticed there's buzz in my speakers. The buzz sound appear when I just turn the power amp on. I tried to switch the outlet, there's still buzz. I tried to lift the power cable, using cheating plug... tweak around, moving around, still can't get rid of the buzz...
In this case, would it be the amp or the speakers?
Any suggestion/idea will be greatly appreciate.


Try lifting the ground on your CD player.

Also try unplugging your cable system. If you have a cable TV jack coming out of wall, unplug there. Cable TV has a "ground" that is different from the electrical ground of AC. Often it is the culprit in hum. If so, Mondial designs has a "Magic" box (I forget the exact name) that you connect between VCR or TV/cable box and the incoming cable line. Sells for around $100 (see; they used to sell).

Good luck.
My guess also is it may be your cable tv connection.I had the same problem and unplugged the cable tv connection and the buzz went away.Another possible problem you could have is i/cs and sp.cables touch or crossing over each other creating a buzz. I had that one too. I re-routed my cables and solved that too....Good luck
Thanks for all the responds. Actually, I don't have any cable jack in my listening room (the garage). No phone either. And when only the amp is on, if sitting 1 feet from speakers, you can slightly hear the hiss/buzz, especailly from the woofer.
When I turn on the preamp, and go for max volume, then the hiss and buzz become pretty loud that you can hear them from 3-4 feets away.

You can also swap speakers if you have another pair. The J-2001 are VERY revealing, so that may not work. But you could put the left speaker on right side and vice versa to see if the noise travels with the speaker.
Terry, why would swaping speakers eliminate the buzz?? The buzz/hiss actually came out on both speakers and this happen even the ONLY amp is on. I tried some other speaker cables, still doesn't help. I brought the speakers and amps to another outlet, still doesn't help either. I then tried to put the audio note mono block (2nd system), the buzz still there.... :(