McIntosh MC402

Has anyone examined and listened to the current McIntosh MC402 power amplifier? The MC402 is a 111-pound 400 wpc (into 2, 4, or 8 ohms) solid-state stereo power amplifier. I am very interested in this amp and would like to hear impressions from anyone who owns or has listened to it. Thanks.
I don't think there is one definition of what "audiophiles" prefer. Virtually every component sounds slightly different from another one, each a different flavor. To be an audiophile, at least to me, means 1) you love music and 2) you search for the components that satisfy you most in the reproduction of recorded music. While Mcintosh may not strictly meet the scientific criteria of traditional audiophile values listed above it is immensly enjoyable from a musical standpoint. And it works for virtually all kinds of music (the mcintosh tube amp is exceptional with bluegrass, jazz, classical, folk, acoustic guitar, native amserican flute, even space music and ambiant) and it can drive virtually any speaker out there. I have also found that too much detail can detract from the performance, the Mcintosh having a nice balance of detail with a cohesive nature.

In my experience the Mcintosh CD player is a good one but not a great one. I've heard several different CD players and DACs in my Mcintosh system and it clearly conveyed the difference between them, being more detailed with more detailed digital and less detailed with less detailed digital, more incisive with some, more relaxed with others, warmer with some, more analytical with others. My point here is that the Mcinotsh components have been neutral in allowing the differences in the sources to come through.

I would absolutely give Mcintosh a try. But be warned, they are heavy!
TAS had a rave review of the MC402 and C46 a few months ago and they received a Golden Ear award in the latest issue. Also, Stereophile rated the MC501 as their Amplifier of the Year in the Dec. issue. Check it out for their glowing opinions if you haven't already. Arthur
i just purchased an mc402 and the c2200 vacuum tube pre amp. have owned them for about 1 week, and i could not be happier with my purchase. i auditioned the 402 in several stores, with several different pairs of speakers, and the more i listened the easier my choice became. i did consider buying the 252, but in the end i went with the 402.

the 402 combines powerful, controlled bass with absolutely liquid mids and smooth treble. i am using it with my totem mani2 sig's, and i am completely satisfied with my choice. the ability of the 402 to resolve the details in music is almost unbelievable. soundstage is wide and holographic. i now have the system that i have been seeking for several years.

considering that i have only been using this gear for a week, i am excited about what the future holds! i've got to figure that there is at least another week or two until the pieces are totally burned in, so i'm hoping for even greater performance down the road.

for what it's worth, i absolutely LOVE my 402 and 2200 pre amp. i could not be happier with these items. if you live in SE michigan, you're welcome to stop by and have a listen.
Just before the holidays, I Picked up a MC402 for my theater front pair of Aeris I and a MC202 bridged for my center channel. They replaced a Bryston 9BTHX (Which I still use for rear surrounds) Pre-Processor is a MX 132. What an incredible sound. The sound gets better and smoother every day. My wife says it's the best upgrade so far.