McIntosh MC402

Has anyone examined and listened to the current McIntosh MC402 power amplifier? The MC402 is a 111-pound 400 wpc (into 2, 4, or 8 ohms) solid-state stereo power amplifier. I am very interested in this amp and would like to hear impressions from anyone who owns or has listened to it. Thanks.
i've been living with the MC402 (and the C2200) for a month now, and i am as happy as can be. i have an interesting story to share...

my friend came over the other night, and he brought one of his friends with him. i don't know this other guy that well, but it seems that my buddy had told his friend about my stereo. this other guy asked if he could have a listen. so i sat him down, and i fired up my system. I put on the new CD by one of my favorite artists, a British singer / song writer called Badly Drawn Boy. Almost as soon as the music started, my buddy's friend got a look of surprise on his face. after about 30 seconds he was grinning from ear to ear. he pointed to the space between the speakers and said, "it sounds like he is sitting right there". after a couple more tracks, this guy said "not only can i hear the music, but i can see it and feel it". i was smiling like a new father! it's nice to know that i put together a system that created such a powerful emotional response in someone who is not an audio nut.
I really like Badly Drawn Boy too. Which album were you playing? I have them all and enjoy them often.
i was playing his newest - "one plus one is one". i believe the first song i played was "this is that new song", which i like a lot. it really did sound remarkable on my system.

it is always good to hear from other fans of the Boy!
I started a thread with that question but got very few answers. As I understand it, they are very very similar in sound as well as topology.