Driving Maggie 1.6s?

Can I efficiently drive 1.6s with an ARC VT100 or VS110? I am currently using a Bryston 4BSST.
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How big is the room? What types of music do you listen to?
Complex, large orchestral music reproduced in a large room will probably not be a satisfying match, IMO. Rock and metal played loudly might be disappointing as well.

On the other hand, small chamber works, jazz ensembles, vocal music in a small to medium sized room might be just fine.
Over on the maggie users group there are people that would give their right arm for that Bryston. Why the change? If you can keep the Bryston, why not bi-amp with ARC's on top. I understand maggies were voiced with ARC.
I want to add 3D, air, and reduce the edge. Maybe you can suggest a tube preamp to get there. I primarily listen to vocals, jazz, and rock and roll.