Audio Aero Prima integrated Mk1. Just bought it

Hi guys,

I just bought the first version of the Prima integrated! I'm really excited to get it. It's new. Is there anything I should know about taking care of the tubes? This will be my first tube amp (well, hybrid). When will I need to replace them? Can tube rolling be done with this piece (I don't think so)?

And thanks, Howard, for all your help!
Congratulations, Oliver.

The MK I takes a single 6922 tube. I've experimented with several, and here are my impressions, FWIW:
1) Siemens--Smooth, detailed, tight and accurate bass. I tried a Siemens CCa (pricey little things), and in this application I would not spend the extra money. For around $55, we bought the tube that has remained in the amp for around six months thus far.
2) Amperex USA PQ--A little more bloomy in the bass, not quite as detailed. Seemed like it would be better in a bigger room, I don't know.
3) Mullard--Smooth, laid back, probably my favorite tube for jazz/classical/vocals.
You can easily remove the case screws with a number 2 allen key. Gently remove the tube, and replace it with an NOS of your choice. The difference will be quite noticeable. The tube should last around 10,000 hours, according to the manufacturer.
The amp also benefits from an upgraded power cord. I'm using a Van Den Hul Mainstream Hybrid, but there are numerous cords out there. In the case of this amp, our $125 VDH sounded just as good as an $800 cord we tried, which actually ended up on our all tube SET amp.
Finally, the amp needs about 30 minutes to warm up. Until then, it will sound a bit thin, especially in the bass response.
The MKI has a pre/sub out, so it's pretty versatile.
Enjoy, and please post your impressions afterwards. Or write me directly if you just can't stand the thing! I doubt that will be the case.
All the best,
Hi Howard,

Thanks for the help. I ordered a Mullard 6922 from the early 70's. I'll be using a shunyata power cord.


P.S. Do you remember how much break in time yours needed? Any reccomendations on how to break it in? Leave it on all the time?

I bought mine used, so I'm guessing that it was already broken in. If you are listening often enough, I'd just leave it on all the time. Great tube, and great power cord.

The most fun I've had in this hobby is being surprised. If your CD player allows for it, try running the Prima as an amp only (pre-out), and then as an integrated. We just discovered a big difference in the sound, and one way worked well when the system was in one room, and the opposite in another. Go figure.
