McIntosh MC252 with Totem Mani2 / Sig's

Need some advice...

how well will the McIntosh MC252 drive my Totem Mani2 Sigs? i use 22' long runs of kimber 4tc, and wonder if the mc252 has enough juice. Would consider stepping up to the MC 402, but that is a lot of $, and I'm not sure i need 400 watts. let me know what you think!

also, can i bi-wire my mani2's buy hooking up two sets of speaker cable to one pair of speaker terminals on these mcintosh products? would that put too much stress on the amp?


Typo, I meant '200 amp' binding posts. Of course passive bi amping / bi-wiring this way looks the same the MC252 as one set of wires because the woofer and mid section of the speakers cover different frequencies which when added together add up to full range. If you had two speakers per channel, say 4 ohm then you would drop down to the 2 ohm taps. Conversely if you want to increase bass and the speaker is 4 ohm simply connect the woofer + to the 4 ohm tap a the high + to the 2 ohm tap. This will drop the highs 3 DB and 'warm' up the sound. Another advantage of the autoformer.
Yes you can use banana and spades at the same time on the MC252 speaker binding posts.

the 803's are an 8ohm / 90 db speaker, which means they are fairly easy for an amp to drive. the totem mani2 is a 4 ohm / 85 db speaker, which means that it is going to be MUCH more difficult to drive. i'm not much of a techie, but i believe that my speaker would be about 3x more difficult for an amp to drive than the 803's.

if i'm way off base, someone please correct me!
What size is your room? Once you determine your sq. footage WxLxH it will help you better decide. The larger the listening area the more it should influence you to a bigger amp. A large open entrance into your listening area will also influence your decision. Also what listening levels do you usually listen at? I can tell you from my experience that the extra headroom from a larger amp is well worth it. Hope this helps.
my room is about 12' x 14' - not very big at all. there are not any large doorways or openings in the room. i normally do not listen at very loud levels.

the more research i do, and the more a talk to people with experience, it is becoming clear that i should go with the 402. i just have to scare up another $1000 or so, which i should be able to do.