McIntosh MC252 with Totem Mani2 / Sig's

Need some advice...

how well will the McIntosh MC252 drive my Totem Mani2 Sigs? i use 22' long runs of kimber 4tc, and wonder if the mc252 has enough juice. Would consider stepping up to the MC 402, but that is a lot of $, and I'm not sure i need 400 watts. let me know what you think!

also, can i bi-wire my mani2's buy hooking up two sets of speaker cable to one pair of speaker terminals on these mcintosh products? would that put too much stress on the amp?

I have MC252 with a C38 preamp. I used this system to run my Thiels 2.2 and found it lacking. Thiels are known to be difficult and subsequently found different amps to drive them. But right now i am using the Mac to run a pair of Ushers x719s in my office and have to
i am running these of the 8ohm tap and the speakers are rated at 88db...
in general it seems that given a tough load the amp will have a rough time
I have the MC-252 with a C-15 preamp and am very happy with it. I drive a pair of Totem Mani-2s and find the 252 to be more than enough power. Mac amps have VU meters with great ballistics and when you listen at normal levels or above, and sit down in front of one of them, you find out just how much power you really use/need. I can really crank the 252 into the mani-2s and it never runs out of steam. Skuras--, good decision. you couldn't go wrong either way. You will love the mani/Mac combination, now this is a pair of keepers!
For what it's worth I have an MC206 and two MC202 amps. The 202 sounds a lot better then the 206. I run 10 channels in my home theater system.

I bought the MC202 amps from Audio Classics. Frank Gow at Audio Classics and I talked about the sound differences between some of these amps. He said the MC202 and the MC252
sound exactly the same, the 252 simply has 50 more watts of power. Frank said that if I wanted to go to the next level in sound that I would have to go to the MC352 or the replacement MC402. He says that I would hear a difference using these amps.

I know, can you really believe a salesman? All I can say is that Frank hasn't let me down yet. Audio Classics is a good place to deal with.
i have also heard good things about Audio Classics, and even spoke with someone from there on the phone about a year or so ago. i almost bought a 352 on the 'gon from a guy who got it at Audio Classics, but i had second thoughts about buying something that was coming to me 3rd hand. i found a McIntosh dealer who sold me my gear at a pretty hefty discount, and i'm more confortable with having something that is covered by the manufacturers warranty - even if it cost me a couple grand more, and i got stuck paying sales tax!

i told a bit of a half truth yesterday. although i have paid for my new gear, i'm not picking it up until tomorrow. i just called the dealer, and they have one brand new 402 in stock. there is a good chance that i may pony up the extra $1000, and buy the 402. i have done a lot of gear swapping over the years, and i really want to have items that i can live with for a long time. if i don't step up to the 402, it might very well end up costing me even more in the long run if i switch gear again in 18 months. i'm going to make up my mind before i pick up the stuff tomorrow afternoon, and i'll give an update when everything is sorted out.

i'm really surprise by the ammount of interest in this thread. it's nice to know that there are people who are willing to offer so much support! it is greatly appreciated.
Even though the MC252 is enough amp for 90% of all speakers you will always wonder if you should have bought the MC402. Since these amps last a lifetime it may be better just to buy the Mc402 and be done with it. The 402 is just to big for some installations where the MC252 fits fine.