Anybody else bothered by $8call.00

These dealers spamming with these arbitrary prices expecting people to call in and haggle really bug me.

Is it just me?
Jeeze, you too! I just posted a thread while looking through the classified section and getting irritated. My post hasn't even come up yet, and now I feel sort of stupid because I bitched about basically the same thing before I even got to the discussion section today. However, I'm with you all the way. Just buck up and give me a price, if it's what I want, and the price is right, I'll be in touch.
They are often dealers selling new stuff below MSRP. Supposedly, they can't print the price because the other dealers would complain to the manufacturer(as if they all don't know what's going on). I've been calling one of these guys for over a month waiting for him to get in stock the thing he was advertising. But he is an authorized dealer, according to the manufacturer, the nearest one (even at 2+ hrs away) for several products I want to audition.