Anybody else bothered by $8call.00

These dealers spamming with these arbitrary prices expecting people to call in and haggle really bug me.

Is it just me?
They are often dealers selling new stuff below MSRP. Supposedly, they can't print the price because the other dealers would complain to the manufacturer(as if they all don't know what's going on). I've been calling one of these guys for over a month waiting for him to get in stock the thing he was advertising. But he is an authorized dealer, according to the manufacturer, the nearest one (even at 2+ hrs away) for several products I want to audition.
OK, never mind the feeling stupid part from earlier. My post was declined because it was too similar, so I’ll post it as a response to this post.
I realize that this has probably been beaten to death, (duh) but what’s up with dealers advertising in the classified section with the “call for pricing” crap. I know it’s a technicality, since they're not trying to sell “dealer demos” but isn’t that where they belong, (Dealer demo section)? I enjoy quickly scanning through the amps for sale classified section regularly (as if maybe I can afford what I really want. Yea, right), but you never know when the “right thing might come along at the right price.” I have no problem with dealers posting here, don’t get me wrong, it’s just that if I wanted to call, or visit a dealer to find out a price on a new piece then that’s what I would do. It just seems as though the classifieds section should be for used equipment, or at least should have an asking price for each item listed. It’s nothing to loose any sleep over, I just need to vent.
Thanks, Brad
For those few companies that actually allow internet sales (Von Schweikert, PS Audio, etc.) most of them require that the dealer advertise the MSRP of the product and NOT the selling price. This helps to avoid price wars, etc.

Anyway, that's the technical reason for the listing. But on stuff that isn't new I wouldn't even bother clicking. At that point they're just trying to sucker you out of your money.
I just bought some Audience interconnects from a similar ad. Usually, I don't bother with ads worded without a proper sales price, but not all of them fall into the "Useless" category.